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Gardening To-Do’s – Winter Rainfall Regions -September

|||Viola wittrockiana|Gladiolus species|Beta vulgaris|Gazania Hybrid

What to do in the garden during September

Plant & Sow

Sow summer-flowering annuals like:


For the vegetable gardener, early start in September means a longer growing season and then, of course, more veggies to eat!

Sow vegetables like:


Start planting summer-flowering bulbs:

Gardening Maintenance


Fertilize fruit trees, like:

  • Ensure roses are well mulched.
  • Spray apples and pears against codling moth; 
  • Start spraying peaches and nectarines every 10 days against fruit fly. 
  • Start thinning out peaches, plums, nectarines and apricots. 
  • Fertilize Summer-flowering bulbs and keep them moist.

Gardening maintenance

  • Mow the lawn if necessary.
  • Mulch the garden beds.
  • Start planning the summer garden now. 
  • Remember to deadhead annuals and bedding plants regularly and feed every 2 weeks or so with diluted liquid fertilizer.
  • Pull up spent winter annuals and vegetables and prepare the soil for new planting.
  • Continue to remove weeds from lawns and pavings.
  • Dead, diseased and damaged wood from deciduous trees and shrubs can be removed.

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