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Gardening To-Do’s – Winter Rainfall Regions – October

|||Viola wittrockiana|Gladiolus species|Beta vulgaris|Gazania Hybrid

What to do in your garden during October

Plant & Sow


Sow all summer flowering annuals such as :


  • Water your vegetable garden every three to four days and pull out unwanted weeds by hand.

Sow vegetables like: 


  • Thin out bunches in the grapevine where necessary.
  • Cherries and Peaches ripen in October
  • Cape gooseberries start sowing seed this month.

Garden Maintenance


Fertilize fruit trees like:

  • Fertilize Summer-flowering bulbs and keep them moist.
  • Fertilise annuals and bedding plants with a liquid fertilizer every 14 days.
  • Mow the lawn if necessary.
  • Mulch the garden beds.

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