Showing 16–30 of 56 results
Dombeya Rotundifolia (Common Wild Pear)
Erythrina caffra (Coast coral tree)
Shrubs and Perennials
Erythrina humeana (Dwarf coral tree)
Erythrina latissima (Broad-leaved coral tree)
Erythrina lysistemon (Common Coral Tree)
Faidherbia albida (Ana tree)
Ficus ingens (Red-leaved rock fig)
Halleria lucida (Tree fuchsia)
Heteropyxis natalensis (Lavender Tree)
Hovenia dulcis (Japanese raisin tree)
Hydrangea macrophylla (Bigleaf hydrangea, Hortensia, Lace-cap hydrangea, Florist’s Hydrangea)
Ipomoea arborescens (Tree morning glory, Tree convolvulus)
Iris kaempferi (Japanese iris)
Juglans regia (Common walnut)
Kirkia acuminata (White Syringa)
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