Showing 1–15 of 32 results
Agapanthus Praecox subsp minimus (Agapanthus)
Amaryllis belladonna (Belladonna lily, March lily)
Babiana stricta x hybrids (Baboon flower)
Boophone disticha (Tumbleweed, century plant)
Brunsvigia radulosa (Candelabra flower)
Chasmanthe aethiopica (Chasmanthe, cobra lily)
Chasmanthe floribunda (Cobra lily)
Crinum campanulatum (Water crinum)
Crinum macowanii (Cape Coast lily; Cape Lily; Sabie crinum; Common Vlei Crinum)
Crocosmia masonorum (Montbretia, golden swans)
Cyrtanthus mackenii (Ifafa lily)
Daubenya species (Jewel of the desert)
Eucomis autumnalis (Pineapple lily)
Eulophia speciosa (Large Yellow Eulophia)
Freesia x hybrids (Freesia)
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