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Gardening To-Do’s – Dry Continental and Summer Rainfall Region – December


What to do in your garden during December

In dry continental and highveld summer-rainfall regions do the following the garden.

Plant and Sow


Sow all summer-flowering annuals like:


Sow vegetables like:

General garden maintenance

  • Spray apples, pears and quinces against codling moth, and peaches against fruit fly.
  • Water citrus trees well every three weeks and spray against citrus psylla; water other fruit trees thoroughly every second week.
  • Deadhead daisy bushes regularly to prolong their flowering period; remember to disbud dahlias at regular intervals.
  • Keep the soil well mulched.
  • Consider installing a rainwater tank.
    • grown plants do best if watered with rainwater.
  • Stake dahlias and water and fertilize them regularly.
  • Mulch roses well.
  • Cut back chrysanthemums.
  • Deadhead roses regularly.
  • Sow lawn seed.

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