Ground Covers and Perennials
Bamboos, Grasses and sedges
Acorus calamus ‘Variegatus’ (Sweet flag,sweet calamus, flagroot)
Ground Covers and Perennials
Ground Covers and Perennials
Ground Covers and Perennials
Aegopodium podagragra ‘Variegatum’ (Ground elder, variegated bishop’s weed)
Ground Covers and Perennials
Agapanthus africanus ‘Albus’ (Cape agapanthus,Table Mountain agapanthus)
Ground Covers and Perennials
Ground Covers and Perennials
Ground Covers and Perennials
Ground Covers and Perennials
Ground Covers and Perennials
Ground Covers and Perennials
Ground Covers and Perennials
Ground Covers and Perennials