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Botanical name

Raphanus sativus

Plant Care


Common name(s)



Planting instructions

Sow the whole year round.Sow thinly, a little at a time, at two-week intervals.Plant the seed 6mm deep and thin the seedlings out to about 50mm apart.

Soil conditions

The best soil is rich and well drained. In dry soils, radishes are inclined to run to seed almost before you can use them.


Radishes have a mild, peppery flavor that complements lettuce, tomatoes and spring onions, making them perfect for salads.
Medicinal – Radishes dissolve phlegm, open a blocked nose, clear sinuses, ease sore throats, a runny nose and aid the whole digestive tract. 

Interesting planting ideas

Radishes are easy to grow, so it is possible to have a continuous supply of crisp young roots almost all year round.Radishes make an ideal crop for a child garden as they mature so quickly.
Any plant will benefit from radishes planted near it, they deter all sorts of insects and acts like a tonic.

Interesting info

Radishes are rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, beta carotene, vitamin C and folic acid.

Common pests and diseases

Caterpillars.Downy mildew in thick stands during wet weather.


Pick roots about three to five weeks after sowing as they tend to become hard when left too long in the soil.


A 1m-row per sowing should be enough for a family of four. Sow every two weeks.

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