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Botanical name

Ocimum basilicum

Plant Care




Ocimum basilicum bears white flowers.

Common name(s)

Basil (sweet)



A bushy, summer-growing annual with aromatic, bright-green, glossy foliage.

Planting instructions

Sow seed in spring into trays, once they reach the four-leaf stage they can easily be transplanted directly 500mm apart. Add compost on top and water regularly. 


Pinch out the flowers and water regularly to encourage foliage growth.


Fresh leaves are used to make pesto and are excellent for adding flavour to salads, pizzas and Italian dishes, especially tomato-based ones.
Basil can be used to make a spray for fungus, mildew and scale.

Wildlife attractions

Butterflies and bees love it.

Interesting planting ideas

Basil grows well in containers.
Plant basil around fruit trees and vegetable gardens, the smell of basil chases away aphids, whitefly, mosquitoes, flies, red spider and even keeps scale at bay. Butterflies and bees love basil , which helps with pollination. All plants benefit from basil.

Interesting info

Basil self sows freely.


Propagate from seed sown in spring.


Pick the leaves as they are required.

When to sow

Seed sowing instructions

Sow seed in spring.

Ocimum basilicum bears white flowers.

A bushy, summer-growing annual with aromatic, bright-green, glossy foliage.

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