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Plant description:

Baby marrow plants consist of slightly trailing stems with large, hairy, dark green leaves. Most are more bush-like plants than the other trailing squash that require a little support. The male flowers appear on the stems first. The female flowers bloom slightly later and have slightly bulbous bases, which develop into the Baby marrow fruit.

Family: Cucurbitaceae

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Botanical Pronunciation: –

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Botanical name

Cucurbita pepo var. cylindrica


Common name(s)

Baby Marrow Courgette Zucchini

Drought tolerance



Plant Care

Planting Instructions

Sow seeds 7cm deep, planted in hills with 2 seeds per hill and 50cm apart, in rows 1m apart. Keep the soil moist until the first shoots appear.


They will need lots of water once they start growing. Water at the base of the plant as the leaves tend to develop fungal diseases if they are constantly wet. Feed Baby marrows once a month with fertilizer.


Fruits are ready for picking within 65 days. Pick Baby marrows when they are about the length of your finger. This will ensure a greater yield per plant.

Interesting planting ideas

Plant Baby marrow near beans, corn, and other squash.

Pests and Diseases

Aphids and thrips can damage young fruit. They also easily succumb to powdery mildew, downy mildew or anthracnose.


4 to 5 plants are enough for a family of 4

Soil conditions

Rich, well-drained soil

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