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Botanical name

Diospyros kaki

Plant Care



Common name(s)

Persimmon/Sharon fruit



This tree has brilliant autumn foliage.

Uses in landscape design

Small gardens


No pruning is necessary; trees are shaped when young. Water once every two weeks during summer in dry weather.


The fruit resembles a tomato, but is brilliant orange when ripe; it has a unique flavour. Pick fruit when well coloured but still firm, and store at room temperature. Traditionally, persimmons were tart and could only be eaten when the inner pulp was the consistency of soft ice-cream, but newer varieties produce firmer, sweeter fruit that can be sliced when ripe.

Common pests and diseases

Rarely a problem.


Pick fruit when well coloured but still firm, and store at room temperature. Traditionally, persimmons were tart and could only be eaten when the inner pulp was the consistency of soft ice-cream, but newer varieties produce firmer, sweeter fruit that can be sliced when ripe.

This tree has brilliant autumn foliage.

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