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Botanical name

Quercus robur

Plant Care



Common name(s)

English oak


Uses in landscape design

It makes a lovely large shade tree for street plantings or on large properties.

Soil conditions

Needs good depth of soil.


The wood is used to build various types of structures and accessories.
The acorns can be ground into a flour, roasted and made into a coffee-like drink. The leaves can be used as mulches to chase snails, cutworms, ants and slugs.
Medicinal – Tea made with the bark has been used for centuries by the monks, that controls bleeding, reduces inflammation, soothes haemorrhoids, sore throats, bleeding gums, eczema, ringworm, scratches, grazes, skin rashes, chafes and even clears up diarrhoea.  

Interesting info

It makes a lovely large shade tree for street plantings or on large properties and it is suitable for cold areas.
It is the most common of the oaks found in South Africa.

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