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Plant description:

Hydrangeas are undoubtedly among the showiest flowers in the summer garden. Prolific bloomers, they are ideal for the vase. The first flowers appear in November, with flowering carrying on well into the new year (they are often known as Christmas roses in South Africa).

Family: Hydrangeaceae

Botanical Pronunciation: hy-DRAIN-juh

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Botanical name

Hydrangea species

Plant Care



The first flowers appear in November, with flowering carrying on well into the new year (they are often known as Christmas roses in South africa). Many of the old cultivars continue blooming into aut

Common name(s)

Bigleaf hydrangea, French hydrangea, lacecap hydrangea, mophead hydrangea, penny mac and hortensia.



This plants has large and oval foliage with serrated edges.

Uses in landscape design

Lovely grown in tubs on a shady patio. Flowers are ideal for the vase. Cut flowering stems in the hard wood, otherwise the flower will not last when picked.

Planting instructions

Planting: Blue hydrangeas need a soil pH of as low as 4.5, so add a lot of acid compost when planting to make it more acid. For pink hydrangeas, the soil does not need to be as acid (pH 6.0), so plant with ordinary compost.
Watering and feeding: Water deeply, particularly during hot, dry spells. Use hydrangea food at regular intervals throughout the growing season. Keep the plants well mulched.
Pruning: Prune at the end of winter. Cut back the previous year’s growth to three pairs of buds, to promote sturdy new stems with large blooms.

The first flowers appear in November, with flowering carrying on well into the new year (they are often known as Christmas roses in South africa). Many of the old cultivars continue blooming into autumn, but lose their colour, eventually turning green. Modern hybrids retain their colour for far longer. 

This plants has large and oval foliage with serrated edges.

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