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Plant description:

Rarely growing to more than 3m, this smoothstemmed, medium-sized palm is extremely decorative and ideal for swimming pool areas and small gardens. It does best when shaded from the hot afternoon sun by neighbouring tall trees. When mature, bunches of fruit hang down below its arching leaves.

Family: –

Synonym: Seaforthia elegans

Botanical Pronunciation: ar-kon-toe-FEE-nix cun-ing-HAME-ee-ah

requirements and features

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Botanical name

Archontophoenix cunninghamiana

Plant Care




January February March April December Purple to pale mauve almost lavender flowers are found from midsummer up until autumn.

Common name(s)

King Palm; Bungalow Palm; Piccabeen Palm


Uses in landscape design

A great plant to use around the pool. Use this Archontophoenix to create a tropical or tropical forest scene and feeling in the garden. This plant also works well when planted along a driveway or avenue.

Drought tolerance



Remove dead leaves as they appear. This palm requires moist soil. To ensure it performs at its best it should not be allowed to dry out between watering.


A round green fruit which ripens to a red to orange colour is produced in hanging masses.

Soil conditions

Tolerates a variety of soil types

Growth rate

Moderately Fast

Wildlife attractions

birds , insects

Interesting planting ideas

These palms make a nice effect and feature if 2 or 3 are sown right next to each other.

Interesting info

This palm easily self seeds which leads to an abundance of seedlings the next season and as a result additional maintenance. Avoid this by dead heading (remove the flowers) this palm after flowering and before the seeds ripen.

Tolerates windy conditions


This palm is easily propagated from seed, however the seed does not store well and should be planted as soon as posible.

Possible problems

This plant performs poorly in colder climates. The fruit of this palm may lead to additional maintenance if planted to close to water or driveways. Direct sun in hotter and drier areas may burn the foliage of this palm. This palm's seeds tend to make a mess, in order to avoid this dead head (remove the flowers) this palm after flowering and before the seeds ripen.

Other languages

Koningpalm (A)

January February March April December
Purple to pale mauve almost lavender flowers are found from midsummer up until autumn.

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