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Plant description:

The white button mushroom is the most cultivated and is standard for the name “mushroom”, Agaricus bisporus. White button mushrooms are small to medium in size, caps are rounded, firm, and spongy, attached to short, truncated stems. When bruised, the white flesh will turn light pink and will then transform into brown. Underneath the unopened caps, there are many small, light brown gills that are hidden with a white veil and these gills produce dark brown spores. 

Family: Agaricaceae

Synonym: –

Botanical pronunciation: Agar·i·cus bis·porus

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Botanical name

Agaricus bisporus


Common name(s)


Plant Care


After a few weeks, you will notice fine white webbing on the surface called mycelium, and it’s the start of your mushroom colony. Cover the mycelium with 50mm of damp potting soil or peat, called casing. Lower the bed’s temperature to about 12 C. Keep the bed moist. It could help to cover with plastic wrap or wet newspaper. In about a month, the mushrooms should start to sprout. Maintenance of button mushrooms after this point is easy.


Culinary: Eat them raw in salads, grill them, sauté them, or roast them. Add them to soups, sandwiches, wraps, casseroles, and Italian dishes. Portobello mushrooms are often served on burgers or steaks because of their meaty texture.

Interesting Info

White button mushrooms are high in protein, vitamin D, and are also a source of B vitamins and potassium. They are also low in calories and sugar.

White button Mushrooms have multiple anti-oxidant compounds which fight free radicals and are believed to have cancer-fighting properties.

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