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Plant description:

Bears clusters of 50mm-long apple-green flowers, with golden stamens, for several months from late winter into spring. Divide overgrown clumps after flowering in spring, and mulch. Excellent for shady positions. H. orientalis, which grows in warmer areas, bears flowers in shades of white, pink or green. Do not disturb the plant unnecessarily.





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Botanical name

Helleborus argutifolius subsp. corsicus

Plant Care




August September October Plant has long apple-green flowers, with golden stamens, from late winter to spring.

Common name(s)

Lenten rose, Hellebore


Uses in landscape design

Excellent for shady positions.

Drought tolerance

High Hellebores are renowned for their durability and tolerance of drought and neglect once a mature plant.


Divide overgrown clumps after flowering in spring and mulch well.
Trim old leaves in autumn, just as the lush new growth is pushing through the surface.

Soil conditions

Hellebore plants require a good well-drained loam with plenty compost and enriched with organic matter and bone meal. They will tolerate slightly acidic soils, but prefer a pH of about 7.  Being deep rooted it's best to plant them in deep well prepared holes.  A dressing of general fertilizer in autumn helps the plants to thrive during the winter growing season.

Growth rate

Hellebore plants are slow growing.


Division: Divide overgrown clumps in spring.

Common pests and diseases

Slugs, snails and aphids can be a bother. Hellebores are reliable and disease resistant.

August September October
Plant has long apple-green flowers, with golden stamens, from late winter to spring.

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