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Plant description:

An upright-growing, herbaceous shrub with sprays of pink flowers in autumn; the leaves have a pink reverse. Plant in humus-rich soil and water well for best results. Fast growing and very good for mass plantings, especially at the coast. Named cultivars include P. fruticosus ‘Behr se Trots’ with purple flowers; ‘Ellaphie’ with pale pink flowers; ‘James’ with pinky-mauve flowers; and ‘Ngoye’ with pink to mauve flowers.

Family: Lamiaceae

Botanical Pronunciation: plek-TRAN-thus froo-tih-KOH-sus

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Botanical name

Plectranthus fruticosus

Plant Care




February March April This plant carries sprays of pink flowers in autumn.

Common name(s)

Forest spur-flower



The leaves of this plant have a pink reverse.

Uses in landscape design

Excellent for deep shade in the garden. Fast growing and very good for mass plantings, especially at the coast. Stems and leaves make an effective fly-repellent when rubbed on window sills. The flowers are attractive to butterflies.

Planting instructions

Planting: For the best results, plant this shrub in humus-rich soil and water well.
Watering and feeding: Water regularly. Feed during spring and midsummer with a general fertiliser for flowering plants, and water in well.
Pruning: Not necessary.


Water this plant well for best results.

Soil conditions

This plant needs humus-rich soil and watered well.

Growth rate


Interesting info

Stems and leaves make an effective fly-repellent when rubbed on window sills. The flowers are attractive to butterflies.

Other languages

Spoorsalie (A)

February March April
This plant carries sprays of pink flowers in autumn.

The leaves of this plant have a pink reverse.

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