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Botanical name

Phaseolus vulgaris

Plant Care


Common name(s)

Beans (dwarf/green), French beans


Planting instructions

Sow seeds in well-prepared rows, 70 – 100mm apart and 40 – 50mm deep. Sow new seeds every three weeks to ensure a prolonged harvesting period.


Beans require relatively little attention because of their short growing period. Watering with liquid manure every two weeks will ensure a longer picking period and superior quality beans. Water well during the flowering period.


Description: These beans are low-growing and can be spaced closely together in rows. In cool climates, growth is poor and pods may be misshapen and tough.

Interesting planting ideas

Plant bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) near cabbages, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, carrots, cucumber, beetroot, leeks, celery, celeriac, potatoes and strawberries, they are great companions. Moreover, beans fix nitrogen in the soil, benefiting neighboring plants.
Don't plant beans near fennel, dill or any of the onion family, including chives and garlic chives.

Interesting info

Dwarf beans, also known as green beans, bush beans or French beans, are one of the most popular warm-season vegetables grown at home. Recommended varieties: Sodwana has an excellent yield potential with rust resistance; Strike is a summer bean with very high-yield potential and straight, smooth pods; Contender is a string less hybrid; Wintergreen is perfect for cool-season cultivation.

Common pests and diseases

Pests/diseases: Cutworm, aphids, CMR beetles.Diseases include rust and bacterial blight.


Pods are ready to be picked 7-10 weeks after sowing, depending on the climate and the hybrid grown. A row of 4-5m per sowing will be enough for a family of four.

Phaseolus vulgaris

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