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Botanical name

Pastinaca sativa

Plant Care


Common name(s)



Planting instructions

Sow seed directly into beds or rows where they are to mature; sow thinly and cover with about 10mm of soil.Seedlings may take up to three weeks to emerge; take care to keep the soil damp until they do.The seeds germinate slowly, but thin out seedlings after six weeks to space plants 100mm apart in the row.


Water regularly and feed once, after eight weeks, with liquid fertilizer.

Soil conditions

Like carrots, parsnips are a cool-season crop. They prefer a sandy loam, well enriched with organic matter.

Interesting info

Young parsnips taste best in early spring, when the stored starches begin turning into sugar in preparation for new growth.

Common pests and diseases

Aphids and leaf spot.


Parsnips can be harvested about 18-20 weeks from sowing.Make sure the soil is damp before digging up parsnips as they do not pull out very easily.


A 5m-row should be enough to feed a family of four.



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