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Plant description:

A shrub or small tree. It is native Australia where it often occurs along watercourses. Normal Weeping Bottlebrush grow up to 8 metres in height and have pendent branches with green leaves. The bright red flower spikes, occur between spring and summer. Flowers attract nectar loving birds and butterflies. Peak flowering time is late spring and it is common for the species to flower in spring and autumn or bear small numbers of flowers all year. New growth emerges from the ends of the inflorescence and the young leaves have bronze-coloured hairs. C. viminalis will grow in waterlogged soils and will tolerate shady conditions.

Family: Myrtaceae

Synonym:  Melaleuca viminalis

Botanical Pronunciation: kal-LIS-tem-on vi-mi-NAL-is

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Botanical name

Callistemon viminalis

Plant Care




January February March September October November December The bright red flower spikes, occur between spring and summer. Peak flowering time is late spring and it is common for the species to flowe

Common name(s)

Weeping bottlebrush



Forms pendent branches with green leaves.

Uses in landscape design

Use Callistemon viminalis as a screen plant, as a specimen tree, in waterlogged conditions or to control erosion. It also makes a great lawn specimen, but should not be exposed to severe salt spray in coastal situations.

Soil conditions

Well drained , Fertile

Wildlife attractions

birds , butterflies

Interesting info

The word Callistemon comes from the Greek, kallistos, most beautiful and stema, a stamen; viminalis  comes from the Latin, vimen meaning a long flexible shoot or osier.
Tolerates shade

January February March September October November December
The bright red flower spikes, occur between spring and summer. Peak flowering time is late spring and it is common for the species to flower in spring and autumn or bear small numbers of flowers all year. Flowers attract nectar loving birds and butterflies.

Forms pendent branches with green leaves.

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