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Plant description:

The great thing about growing cabbages is that you can have them in prime condition nearly all year round by sowing seed at different times. They come in a variety of shapes, forms and colours and are one of the most popular and widely grown vegetables.

Family: Brassicaceae

Synonym: Brassica juncea subsp. rugosa

Botanical Pronunciation: BRAS-ee-ka

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Botanical name

Brassica oleracea var. capitata

Plant Care


Common name(s)



Planting instructions

Easy to grow and adaptable to different climatic conditions, they will grow successfully in any well-cultivated soil. In South Africa the ideal sowing season varies from province to province, however it also varies from month to month, depending upon the seasons in each province, and the variety of cabbage grown.


Apply nitrogen fertilizer every two weeks. Water regularly.

Soil conditions

Moist, rich compost laced soil and well dug.


Cabbages are used for salads, stir-fry, stews and soups.

Interesting planting ideas

Plant near beetroot, celery, chamomile, chives, dill, onions, pennyroyal, rosemary, sage, southernwood and thyme.

Interesting info

Cabbages are leafy plants and need plenty of water at their roots.
Cabbages are natural antibiotics and contain folic acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium, boron, beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, phosphorus and iodine.

Common pests and diseases

Snails and slugs.


Cut heads when they are firm and full, about three months from transplanting.


Nine to twelve plants should be enough for a family of four. Sow every four weeks.

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