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Plant description:

A grass-like, clump-forming perennial, a member of the onion family. It bears decorative heads of lavender-coloured flowers and is ideal for pot culture. Garlic chives (A. tuberosum) has flat leaves with a garlic flavour, and white flower heads. It is hardier than common chives. Freshly cut leaves are used to flavour sauces and soups, or as a garnish. Chopped leaves also blend very well with cream cheese and other soft cheeses.

Family: Alliaceae

Botanical Pronunciation: al’e-um sho’-no-pra-sum.

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Botanical name

Allium schoenoprasum

Plant Care




It bears decorative heads of lavender-coloured flowers.

Common name(s)




A grass-like, clump-forming perennial.

Uses in landscape design

An Ideal subject for pot culture.

Planting instructions

Grow in full sun or indoors in bright light. Plant out 200 mm apart when big enough to handle.


Divide overgrown clumps in Spring. Keep well watered. Cut leaves when required.

Soil conditions

They like fairly rich soil.


Freshly cut leaves are used to flavour sauces and soups, or as a garnish. Chopped leaves also blend very well with cream cheese and other soft cheeses.
Can be used to make insect spray
Medicinal – Chives have a blood cleansing, tonic effect and can improve appetite. They also help keep away colds and flu.

Interesting planting ideas

Plant chives and garlic chives around vegetables like, pumpkin,cucumber and gem squash, and fruit trees like, peach, apricot and apple. It helps to clear powdery mildew and acts as a trap crop for black aphids. 
Plant near beans, beetroot, carrots, cucumbers, fruit trees, green peppers, lettuces, marrows, melons, pumpkin, roses, spinach and squash.

Interesting info

Chives belong to the same family as onions and garlic.


Propagate by sowing seeds in trays at any time of the year.

Common pests and diseases

Chives will never be attacked by insects, fungus, mildew or any disease.


Cut and harvest leaves as required.

When to sow

Seed sowing instructions

Sow seeds in trays at any time of the year.

It bears decorative heads of lavender-coloured flowers.

A grass-like, clump-forming perennial.

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