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Plant description:

A fruit-bearing deciduous shrub producing lovely orange-red flowers in midsummer, this shrub brings colour to a border when not much else is on view. Prune to keep compact. P. granatum ‘Stricta’ has double white flowers with pink stripes in summer. ‘Nana’, a miniature flowering pomegranate, produces orange-red flowers throughout the summer. This delightful small shrub, which grows to 500mm tall, makes an ideal container subject and is also suitable for rockeries and foreground planting in borders.

Family: Lythraceae

Botanical Pronunciation: PEW-ni-ka gra-NAY-tum

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Botanical name

Punica granatum

Plant Care




January November December This plant produces lovely orange-red flowers in midsummer.

Common name(s)

Flowering pomegranate pomegranate


Uses in landscape design

This shrub brings colour to a border when not much else is on view.


Prune to keep compact.

Other languages

Blomgranaat (A)


Glossy, leathery leaves that are narrow and lance-shaped.


The fruit has a thick, leathery rind which protects the pulp and seeds inside. The inside of the fruit is separated into compartments by white spongy tissue.

Soil conditions

well-drained loam soil.

Planting Instructions

Place your tree in full sun for the best growth and production rate.

Interesting Info

Pomegranate has anti-oxidant, anti-viral and anti-tumour properties and is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, as well as folic acid.

Interesting Planting Ideas

Companion plants: basil, thyme & summer savoury.

Pests and Diseases

Pests include aphids, mealybug, scale, fruit fly and thrips. Diseases include crown rot, black heart, Phytophtera and bacterial blight.

January November December
This plant produces lovely orange-red flowers in midsummer.

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