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Plant description:

Fuchsia hybrids are among the most beautiful flowers in the world, offering a tremendous variety of colours, shapes and forms. There are over 100 species, with many thousands of hybrids, resulting in flowers of all sizes, from dainty singles to large doubles with vivid colours and striking colour combinations. Flowers are usually pendulous, but more and more erect and very floriferous varieties are becoming available. Their foliage is also interesting, varying from lush green to bronze, and even variegated.

Family: Onagraceae

Botanical Pronunciation: FOOKS-ee-uh

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Botanical name

Fuchsia x species

Plant Care




Flowers are usually pendulous, but more and more erect and very floriferous varieties are becoming available.

Common name(s)




Their foliage is interesting, varying from lush green to bronze, and even variegated.

Uses in landscape design

Fuchsias make excellent tub subjects for a cool, light patio. Cascading hybrids are excellent in hanging baskets. 

Planting instructions

Planting: Prefers a south- or east-facing position, with morning sun and afternoon shade. It needs rich, moist but well-drained soil, sheltered from wind. Dig a hole 60cm square and deep. Mix two thirds of the topsoil with one third compost, add one cup of bone meal or superphosphate and mix well.
Watering and feeding: Water regularly; keep mulched. This heavy feeder needs to be fed regularly in summer with a high nitrogen and potash fertiliser in order to flower well.
Pruning: Prune in early spring by cutting back by two thirds.


They must be fed regularly during summer with fertilizer high in nitrogen and potash. In frost-prone areas, prune fuchsias at the end of August. Prune four weeks ealier in frost-free areas. Upright and bushy types usually need to be staked.

Soil conditions

They require rich, moist, but well-drained soil.


Ideal for hanging baskets.

Interesting info

Fuchsia hybrids are among the most beautiful flowers in the world.

Flowers are usually pendulous, but more and more erect and very floriferous varieties are becoming available.

Their foliage is interesting, varying from lush green to bronze, and even variegated.

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