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Plant description:

Eruca sativa has deeply divided foliage with pale yellow flowers with violet-veined petals in Summer. The pods has an apical beak, containing several seeds. Rocket is often used in salads and in a variety of food. It is also used for medicinal purposes. Harvest rocket when the leaves are large enough. The flowers can be harvested as soon as they appear, and the seed pods while young and juicy. Plant rocket in well composted, rich, moist soil, preferably fertilised with an organic fertiliser. It does not enjoy hot Summer climates, therefore plant in a cool, shaded part in Summer.

Family: Brassicaceae

Synonym: Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa

Botanical Pronunciation: eh-ROO-kuh suh-TYE-vuh

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Botanical name

Eruca sativa




January February October November December This plant bears pale yellow flowers with violet-veined petals in Summer.

Common name(s)




Eruca sativa has deeply divided foliage. The leaves have a strong, distinctive, nutty, peppery, mustard flavour.

Uses in landscape design

Rocket makes an ideal container pant. The container should be deep and well-composted.

Planting instructions

Plant rocket in well composted, rich, moist soil, preferably fertilised with an organic fertiliser. It does not enjoy hot Summer climates, therefore plant in a cool, shaded part in Summer.


Withstands frost, cold winds, storms and the heat.


The pods has an apical beak, containing several seeds.

Soil conditions

Needs richly composted soil.


Rocket is rich in iron, chlorophyll and vitamins and is an antiscorbutic.  A delicious addition to salads and soups or stews.
Rocket can be used as a green-manure for food crops when planting.
Medicinal – It is a digestive which can help cleanse the body of pollutants and should be included in daily diet to help with anaemia, digestive upsets, fluid retention, bladder ailments, malnutrition, scurvy and vitamin deficiencies.

Interesting info

Make your own cough syrup:
Mix equal quantities of Rocket flowers and leaves and a few tablespoons of honey and crush and pound or liquidise together to a paste. Take one teaspoonful when necessary. Chew it well and then swallow with half a glass of water. Repeat the dose when necessary. Do not keep this potion for more than a day.


Harvest rocket when the leaves are large enough. The flowers can be harvested as soon as they appear, and the seed pods while young and juicy.

January February October November December
This plant bears pale yellow flowers with violet-veined petals in Summer.

Eruca sativa has deeply divided foliage. The leaves have a strong, distinctive, nutty, peppery, mustard flavour.

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