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Botanical name

Callistemon 'Hot Pink" PBR

Plant Care




January February October November December ‘Hot Pink’ bears soft-pink bottlebrush flowers in summer.

Common name(s)

Pink bottlebrush


Uses in landscape design

An excellent background shrub. Nectar-rich flowers attract honey birds to the garden.

Planting instructions

Planting: It prefers well-drained soil. Dig a hole 60cm square and deep. Mix two thirds of the topsoil with one third compost in the bottom of the hole, add one cup of bone meal or superphosphate and mix well.
Watering and feeding: Water and feed regularly until well established. Does not need a lot of attention once settled, except for watering during dry weather.
Pruning: Not necessary, but cut it back if it gets woody with age, to promote bushy new growth. Cut spent flowers to prevent woody seed capsules from developing, as these can be messy.

Other languages

Pienkbottelborsel (A)

January February October November December
‘Hot Pink’ bears soft-pink bottlebrush flowers in summer.
Callistemon citrinus ‘Hot Pink’

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