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Plant description:

These plants have delicate, grey-green foliage with densely packed flower spikes in purple, rose, cream and white, but these fragrant annuals are not easy to grow. Do not grow them in a bed where they have been previously grown. Prepare the soil with lots of well-rotted manure, general fertilizer and lime. Sow seed in late summer or autumn, directly or in trays. Space seedlings 350mm apart. Handle young seedlings by their leaves, not the stems, which are very weak. Ten-week-old stocks are the most popular for bedding. Once they are planted, water and feed them regularly. They should flower 10–16 weeks after germination. Generally, dark green seedlings produce single flowers and can be discarded when thinning.

Family: – Brassicaceae

Botanical Pronunciation: math-EYE-oh-luh in-KAY-nuh

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Botanical name

Matthiola incana

Plant Care




Description:This plant bears fragrant densely packed flower spikes in purple, rose, cream and white.

Common name(s)




Description: These plants have delicate, grey-green foliage.


Water and feed them regularly.

Soil conditions

Prepare the soil with lots of well-rotted manure, general fertilizer and lime as these babies like fertile, moist and well-drained soil.

Interesting info

They should flower 10–16 weeks after germination. Generally, dark green seedlings produce single flowers and can be discarded when thinning.

Possible problems

They should not be grown in a bed where they have been previously grown.

Common pests and diseases

Susceptible to aphids, spider mites, white fly, leaf spot and powdery mildew.

Other languages

Vilet (A)

When to sow

Seed sowing instructions

Sow seeds directly or in trays and space seedlings 350mm apart. Handle young seedlings by their leaves, not the stems which are very weak.

Description:This plant bears fragrant densely packed flower spikes in purple, rose, cream and white.

Description: These plants have delicate, grey-green foliage.

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