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Author Archives: Plantinfo

Two Attractive Hardy Bamboos

Fargesia Fungosa ‘Chocolate ’ Also called Borinda fungosa, a quick growing ornamental weeping, hardy bamboo...

Drought Tolerant Indigenous Shrubs To Save Water.

Using drought tolerant indigenous shrubs such as Tecoma capensis (Cape Honey suckle), easy going blue...

Get Weeds Under Control The Natural Way

There have been quite a lot of scares based on the carcinogenic properties of chemical...

Gorgeous Gazanias

Gazanias are easy to grow and reward you with masses of intense colour ranging from...

Container Gardening African Style

Ideas and trends Container gardening is the trendy way to liven up walkways, patios and...

Aquatic plants

For practical purposes, we will group together plants that we can use with their roots...


Salix rubens 'Basfordiana' (The Basford Willow) The Basford Willow is a medium sized fully hardy...

The Indigenous Craze: Is It Crazy?

I suppose every gardener hears it from time to time: ‘Plant indigenous’ they say. Some...

Gorgeous Gnidias

There are many worthy plants that are often overlooked, and among these the Gnidias deserve...

Get the (H)edge!

Winter is an excellent time to create new spacees in the garden and to place...

Tips To Protecting Plants From Frost Damage.

Gardeners often find their weather and climate to be a bit too cold or desired...

Marginal plants

These are plants which prefer wet conditions, waterlogged and clay soil or that like marshy...

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