Gazanias are easy to grow and reward you with masses of intense colour ranging from orange to yellow to red,pink or white.
There are two basic growth habits: clump forming or creeping. The clump forming Gazanias are best for smaller gardens where more variety is called for than in mass plantings where the creeping varieties such as Gazania rigens come into play.
Make sure you plant Gazanias in a sunny, well drained position. They don’t need lots of water, and the clump forming species and hybrids often self-seed well.
One of the best things about Gazanias is the beautiful detail of the flowers: from stripy petals, to black pollen guides at the base of the petals, the diversity of combinations is unbelievable. Creating a carpet of colour was never easier!
Although they’re really low maintenance plants, you may decide to trim back the creeping varieties if they get leggy, while the clump forming hybrids might look better for the occasional dead heading that also encourages more flowers.Gazanias tolerate poor soils, but reward occasional feeding with lush growth.