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Suggested Plants For An Indigenous Themed Garden

Native to South Africa these trees offer a range of different textures, sizes, colours, fruits and scents. Use them as a skeleton and frame for your indigenous garden design. These trees all promote a healthy indigenous ecosystem and promise to draw birds, butterflies, bees and many other insects.


Acacia spp. (thorn trees)

Celtis africana (white stinkwood)

Combretum krausii (forest bushwillow)

Dais cotonifolia (pompontree)

Heteropyxis natalensis (lavender tree)

Loxostylis alata (tarwood)

Olea europaea subsp. africana (wild olive)

Podocarpus henkelii (yellowwood)

Searsia spp.


Aloe spp.

Anisodontea scabrosa (pink mallow)

Barleria obtuse (bush violet)

Bauhinia species

Coleonema album (confetti bush)

Gardenia thunbergia (white gardenia)

Halleria elliptica (wild fuchsia)

Melianthus major (honey flower)

Plumbago auriculata (Cape forget- me-not)

Polygala myrtifolia (September bush)

Strelitzia reginae.


Agapanthus spp.

Aptenia cordifolia (heart leaf)

Carissa macrocarpa ‘Green Carpet’

Bulbine frutescens (stalked bulbine)

Dymondia margaretae (silver carpet)

Gazania hybrids, Dietes spp. (wild iris)

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