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FELCO Advert Analytics Report



FELCO – Green ubuntu advertising campaign summary

Entire FELCO campaign

Total Views as on 12 May 2020 34 121 views                                 
Cost of campaign  R 0.00
Cost per view Current cost per view R 0.00

FELCO campaign device stats

 Adverts featured on Plantinfo.co.za

Advert Banner 1 (Currently active)

Total views:

34 121

Other Media Platforms

Analytics for your comparison

Facebook average cost per impression or view = R 11,73 Facebook Ads Benchmark Reports the average Facebook cost per impression or view in South Africa amounts to R11,73Caxton magazine’s woman and home and Garden and Home magazines  charge an average of R0.6 and R0.4 respectively per impression or view on a web banner. The average online advertising cost in South Africa amounts to R 11.2 per impression -According to wordstream.comAverage cost per reader in industry specific print media of South Africa = R 0.38      Average cost dependent on multiple variables including budget and keywords to be targeted. Each keyword phrase that is used, has a value attached to it ( a cost in Rands ); the more popular the keyword phrase the more expensive it becomes.

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