How to grow asparagus at home
These tips will guide you to grow ample asparagus for the whole family.
Try our tips to easily grow your own delicious fresh asparagus
This article shows you exactly how to grow asparagus at home. Here is how to grow asparagus in containers or open soil for a delicious fresh harvest right at your fingertips.
How to Grow Asparagus – In Short
Asparagus is a perennial vegetable crop that can be planted in the early spring, typically in March or April, depending on your climate and location. The exact timing may vary depending on your local climate and weather conditions. Here are the general steps to follow for planting asparagus:
1. Choose a suitable location to Grow Asparagus:
Asparagus plants require well-drained soil with a pH level of around 6.5 to 7.5. Select a sunny spot in your garden that receives at least 6-8 hours of sunlight per day.
2. Prepare the soil to plant asparagus:
Work the soil to a depth of 30 cm -45 cm, incorporating organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure. This will help improve soil fertility and drainage.
3. Purchase asparagus crowns:
Asparagus is typically planted from crowns, which are one-year-old asparagus plants. You can buy these crowns from a nursery or garden center.
4. Plant the asparagus crowns:
Dig trenches that are about 6-8 inches deep and wide enough to accommodate the crowns with their roots spread out. Space the crowns about 15 cm-20 cm apart in rows that are 1 M apart. Cover the crowns with soil, leaving a slight mound above the trench to help with drainage.
5. Water and mulch asparagus:
Water the newly planted asparagus thoroughly and then add a layer of mulch, such as straw or wood chips, to help conserve moisture and suppress weeds.
6. Care and maintenance of asparagus:
Asparagus is a long-term investment, and it may take a few years before you can start harvesting a significant crop. Be patient and provide proper care. Keep the area weed-free, provide regular water, and apply fertilizer as needed. Asparagus ferns will develop, and you should allow them to grow through the first growing season to help establish strong roots.
7. Harvesting Asparagus:
You can typically start harvesting asparagus spears in the second or third year after planting. Harvest by cutting the spears when they reach 15cm – 20 cm in length. Stop harvesting when the spears become thinner and develop fern-like foliage. Allowing the ferns to grow after the harvest season will help the plant store energy for the following year.
Asparagus plants can produce for many years, so proper care and maintenance are essential to ensure a bountiful and long-lasting harvest.
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How to grow asparagus – in detail
Here is how to grow asparagus at home
Want to know how to grow asparagus? here we go!
Carefully choose where you locate your asparagus bed because it will be there for at least 20 years. Asparagus plants may take some time to establish themselves, but once they are happily in place they promise to reward you for many years to come.
Even though asparagus can handle some shade, high light or even full sun is best. This encourages a more robust plant, reduces illness and ensures a more compact plant.
How much water does asparagus need?
Asparagus can rot easily and standing water would quickly destroy the roots, so grow asparagus in lighter soils that will warm up quickly in the spring and drain effectively.
When growing asparagus in pots or containers make sure you provide adequate drainage and be sure to attentivity check soil moisture before you water.
When planting asparagus in the garden Remove all perennial weeds and their roots, then dig old manure or compost and some river sand into the planting area. Simple raised beds work best for this and help encourage lush plants.
Due to their monoecious nature, asparagus plants can only be either male or female Some asparagus types are more productive because the male plants tend to be more productive. Because male plants don’t have to use as much energy generating seeds, they produce more harvestable shoots.Â
For a household of four, 25 plants from an all-male variety and twice that number from ordinary kinds are typically sufficient for a regular asparagus harvest.
If you are an avid asparagus eaters add a few more plants to your asparagus planting.

Asparagus can be grown from seed, but these will take a number of years to establish before they produce a usable harvest.
Grow asparagus plants from crowns that are at least one year old for the fastest results.
Even though you might believe that two-year-old crowns are a better choice, they don’t grow any quicker than one-year-old crowns and frequently experience more transplant shock.
Purchase one-year-old crowns from a reputed nursery, make sure the crows have firm, healthy, and fresh roots and check that the crown is strong and healthy.
How to grow Asparagus planting tip:
If you can’t plant your asparagus crowns right away wrap them in slightly damp peat or newspaper and store them to be planted in early spring.

To plant your asparagus, dig trenches that are 30 centimetres wide and 15 centimetres deep. This method works best if you plant to plant your asparagus in rows.
Before you start planting, crowns soak your asparagus crown in a compost tea for 20 minutes or so. This will make sure they are adequately hydrated and will help ensure they establish themselves faster.
With the crowns spaced 30 to 50 centimetres apart backfill the trenches ad cover the crowns with 5 to 8 centimetres of soil. You can add another layer of soil over the planting in a week or two.
Periodically add more soil until it is slightly mounded above the ground to allow for settling.
Care tips after planting asparagus
Apply mulch to smother any residual weeds, which compete with the young spears and result in lower yields.
During the first two years after planting, make sure you water often, but remember to avoid overwatering and rot. Watering is less important as asparagus plants mature since they crowd out most weeds and develops long, meaty roots that go deep into the ground. Apply a top-dressing of liquid fertiliser or ad a good dose of a balanced fertiliser to your plants in the spring and Automn.
To protect your asparagus plants during the winter, leave winter-killed foliage together with straw or other light mulch to cover the top of the crowns. Before spring’s new growth emerges, remove and destroy the fern-like leaves as they may harbour disease and pests or their eggs.

How to grow white asparagus.
White asparagus have a somewhat milder flavour than green asparagus.
To grow whiter asparagus, keep mounding soil over the shoots as they grow or cover the asparagus spears with old toilet rolls or anything suitable to keep the light out as the shoots stretch into new growth.
How to harvest asparagus.
During the first two years that plants are in the permanent bed, don’t pick any asparagus spears since they need to focus their energy on developing deep roots.
Pick the spears during a four-week period in the third season, and by the fourth season, expand your harvest to eight weeks. When the weather heats up, you might need to pick your asparagus twice a day to keep up with output. In the early spring, gather spears every third or fourth day.
With a sharp knife or your fingers, snap off asparagus shoots at or just below ground level to harvest.
Grow for life – Health tip
Consuming asparagus can help with hangovers!
Asparagus is a diuretic in addition to being 93% water, therefore there is some aspect of hydration involved in this notion. Asparagus has enzymes that can aid in the breakdown of alcohol in addition to minerals and amino acids that protect the liver from toxins
Possible problems when growing Asparagus:
Young spears may have been harmed by frost if they turn brown, become mushy, or wither. Cover asparagus spears with a layer of mulch or newspaper when chilly nights are forecast.
Now you know how to grow your verry own healthy asparagus right from your back yard.
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