All pesticides should be applied strictly in accordance with the instructions provided on the
container label or the enclosed pamphlet. Adding extra product will not improve results,
but it could seriously damage the plant you are trying to protect and may also pollute the environment.
Certain insects and fungi may not be eliminated by a single application, so follow-up sprays may be necessary.
Use a good-quality pressure sprayer with a clearly calibrated container, a pressure safety valve, an adjustable
nozzle and an effective shut-off valve. Pesticides may be harmful to your health,
so keep the following in mind when you work with them:
- Always mix and spray pesticides in well-ventilated areas.
 - Avoid direct contact with pesticides by wearing protective clothing.To protect your eyes, wear safety goggles.
 - Refrain from eating, drinking or smoking when spraying.
 - Ultraviolet rays can break down pesticides, so avoid spraying in harsh sunlight. Early morning or late afternoon are best.
 - Think about the weather before using pesticides. Rain can wash off spray before it has had time to take effect, although adding a wetting agent, like G49, helps the product to stick to leaves. Spraying in windy conditions can result in poor coverage of the plant or cause undesirable overspray.
 - To prevent harming bees and other pollinating insects, avoid spraying open flowers. Always try to select products that are less toxic to bees.
 - To safeguard birdlife, use non-residual pesticides, such as mineral oils, rapeseed oil or pesticides containing fatty acids. Even products that do not directly kill birds can still cause their eggs to be infertile, one reason why so few wagtails are found in suburban gardens today.
 - In general, limit your use of pesticides to the very minimum, and only apply them when it is absolutely necessary.
