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10 Ways to kill and repel ants without using pesticides

Ants are a well-known pest around the house and garden. Try these popular methods of organically repelling and getting rid of these little buggers.

All of the following child- and pet safe remedies will avoid the costly call to the exterminator and promise to poop the ant party on your plants.

1  Add a teaspoon or two of dishwashing liquid to a spray bottle of water. Mix in a few drops of tea tree oil, and you’re ready for action. Apply the mixture directly to the ants as noticed. This will not only kill the ants, but also eliminate the scent trails they use to navigate. 

2  Another cheap, quick and easy eradicating spray is made by mixing one part vinegar to every one part water (50/50). As vinegar contains acids which are toxic to ants, this spray is deadly and acts rapidly.


3  Combine a three quarter cup of boiling water with catnip, pennyroyal, sage and mint. Allow to cool and add 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid or coconut oil. Shake well and apply directly to the ants or onto affected plants. Apply once or twice per month and reapply after rain. (Its always advisable to apply to a small section first and wait a few days to ensure that there are no negative effects.)


4  Another poisonous concoction can be made by mixing honey or molasses with baking soda and yeast. Once consumed the remedy combines with the ants’ stomach acids, resulting in the yeast and sodium bicarbonate creating a indigestible mixture. (One third cup of honey or molasses, 6 table spoons of sugar, 6 table spoons of active dry yeast. Mix into a paste and keep out of reach of small children and pets.)

5  Place a piece of a broad banded adhesive tape around the base of affected plants, stick one end to the other to form a circle around the plant base. Ensure that the sticky side is facing outwards and that the tape is in contact with the soil. Insects adhere to the tape as they attempt to scramble over toward the plant.

6  Cut the bottom off a paper or polystyrene cup. The cut the cup length wise and slide around the plant stem. Coat in Vaseline and watch the buggers stick

7  Repel ants by placing cucumber and citrus peelings (skins) around plants and beds you want to protect or in areas of known ant activity. Cucumbers contain trans-2-nenenal that naturally repels the tiny little insects. Also, the cucumber and citrus peels are toxic to fungi that certain ants feed on resulting in the ants naturally avoiding them.

8  Flour, baking soda, black pepper, cinnamon, mint, chili pepper and garlic cloves or powder all repel ants. These and many other plants produce insect repelling scents. Bay leafs are another great ant repellent and can also be placed in cabinets and drawers.


9  Cinnamon, powdered charcoal and curry or chili powder can also be used. Apply an unbroken line of powder (at least 0.5cm thick) around plants, beds and other affected areas. Cheaper options include chalk or baby powder – both of which contain talcum powder – a natural ant repellent.

10  Citrus oil and Vaseline are great indoor repellents and can be used along windows and doors.




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