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Botanical name

Allium porrum

Plant Care


Common name(s)





Planting instructions

Sow seeds in seed boxes or trays, covered with 10mm of soil. Transplant seedlings when they are 200mm tall.Plant leeks into well prepared beds by dropping seedlings into 150mm deep holes made with a dibber and fill with water, without firming the soil around the seedling. Seedlings will quickly start growing.
Water twice a week in winter and three times a week in summer.


Earth them up by covering the stem with soil every week, to obtain tall, white stems. Water regularly and feed every two weeks with liquid fertilizer.

Soil conditions

They need particularly rich soil – compost and manure


The leek, is grown for its culinary utility.Its subtle onion flavor is invaluable for flavoring soups, stews, meat and egg dishes.
Medicinal uses –  Ease sore throats, coughs, colds and chest ailments, and to improve the voice. this vegetable is packed with potassium, calcium, folic acid, vitamins A, C and K. It is cleansing, a natural diuretic and eliminates uric acid. It is also great for gout sufferers and those with rheumatism, stiffness, and aches and pains

Interesting planting ideas

Plant near cabbages, caraway, carrots, celeriac, celery, lettuces and radishes.

Interesting info

This vegetable is hardy enough to be left in the ground over winter.

Common pests and diseases

Cutworm. Pink rot (a fungal disease that causes the white stem to become pink and soft before rotting away).


Harvest by digging plants out when stems are about 20mm in diameter.


Fifty plants should be enough for a family of four, sow every four weeks in season.



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